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2022 - 2025 Focus:

Develop a Local Master Plan for Aging

Over the next two decades, California’s over-65 population will nearly double, with those aged 85 and older being the fastest growing demographic group. While this change in demographics will introduce new opportunities for economic and community growth, it will simultaneously lead to an increased demand for health and support services.

In January 2021, the State of California began to implement a new Master Plan for Aging (MPA), a 10-year blueprint for state government, local government, the private sector, and philanthropy to prepare for these coming demographic changes. The plan was informed by a network of aging and disability providers, policy makers, advocates, and experts, and addressed topics such as housing, healthcare, community-based services, social isolation and loneliness, equity and inclusion, caregiver support, and financial security for older adults.

Scope of Work

Over the next three years the ICA has been tasked to complete the following:

  • Form a Local Advisory Committee

  • Review Existing Data

  • Hold Listening Sessions

  • Brainstorm Action Items & Identify Resources

  • Draft a Local MPA with input from Key Leaders

  • Build Public Awareness and Support of a Local MPA

  • Form Implementation Workgroups

  • Hold Public Release Event for a Local MPA –            Due June 30, 2025

State Master Plan On Aging Goals

  • Goal 1: Housing for All Stages & Ages

  • Goal 2: Health Reimagined

  • Goal 3: Inclusion & Equity, Not Isolation

  • Goal 4: Caregiving That Works

  • Goal 5: Affording Aging

IE-MPA Focus Areas

  • Housing

  • Transportation

  • Healthcare

  • Alzheimer's and All Other Dementia

  • Behavioral Health & Social Support

  • Caregiving

In January of 2022 the SCAN Foundation provided financial support to three advocacy coalitions, including the Inland Coalition on Aging (formerly the IE-LTSS Coalition) to focus on developing regional Master Plans for Aging that address the unique challenges of aging in a rural community. In May of 2023 the ICA was funded by the California Department on Aging to extend these efforts through June 30, 2025.  


SCAN Foundation Toolkit

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Map of Project Progress




Gathered recommendations

Developed report on project specifics

Now we are working on the full IE-MPA

As work towards the full IE-MPA continues, explore media about the project:

IE-MPA Advisory Committee Members


Anna Swartz, Human Resources, Community Access Independent Living Center

Carmen Estrada, Executive Director, Inland Caregiver Resource Center


Hon. Cheryl Brown, Chair of California Commission on Aging

Dr. Ben Jáuregui, Manager BH & CM Support Services Inland Empire Health Plan, San Bernardino County Senior Affairs Commissioner

Glenda Jackson, Assistant Director-Public Guardian, San Bernardino County Department of Aging and Adult Services

Ha-young Park, Policy Program Administrator, Riverside County Office on Aging

Renne Sanchez, Program Specialist II, Riverside County Office on Aging

Tanya Torno, Continuum of Care Deputy Director, Riverside County Housing and Housing Workforce Solutions

Susan Howland, Senior Director of Programs, Alzheimer’s Association, California Southland

Sondra Cradduck, Regional Council on Aging Representative, Owner of The Living Room - Senior Home Care

Kelly Watson, Steering Committee Member, Planning Ahead for LGTBQ+Seniors

Nena McCullough, Recreation Lead, The Town of Yucca Valley Senior Center

Shari Fleishman, Service Coordinator, Affordable Housing, previous member Riverside Commission on Aging

David Wilder, Senior Legislature with the California Senior Legislature

Steve Mehlman, Senior Senator and Member, California Senior Legislature, Founder Pass Area Senior Collaborative, member Riverside Advisory Council on Aging

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  • Upcoming Events to learn more about the Master Plan for Aging

  • Opportunities to provide input and feedback 

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