Working Together to Better Serve Older Adults, Caregivers, and Adults with Disabilities
Inland Coalition on Aging
Formed in 2008, the Inland Coalition on Aging (ICA), formerly the IE-LTSS Coalition, brings together the expertise of diverse health care entities, community-based organizations, public officials, and stakeholders to better serve older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
The Coalition is committed to facilitating systems change across networks and developing improved integrated care and service delivery of long-term services and supports.
A community where older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers age well.

2022 - 2025 Focus
Develop a Local Master Plan for Aging
Over the next three years, the ICA will engage an Advisory Committee comprised of leaders from Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to spearhead this effort. Committee members include representatives from the California Commission on Aging, Riverside County Office on Aging, the San Bernardino Department of Aging and Adult Services, Riverside County Housing and Workforce Solutions, Inland Empire Health Plan, Community Access Center, Inland Caregiver Resource Center, Alzheimer's Association California Southland, Planning Ahead for LGTB+ Seniors, and the Town of Yucca Valley Senior Center. Members also include current and previous representatives from the San Bernardino County Senior Affairs Commission, Riverside County Advisory Council on Aging, San Bernardino Regional Council on Aging, and Riverside Commission on Aging.
Funding for the development of a local master plan on aging has been provided by the SCAN Foundation and California Department of Aging.
Representatives from the Riverside County Office on Aging, San Bernardino Department on Aging and Adult Services, Inland Empire Health Plan, Community Access Center and Inland Caregiver Resource currently lead the Inland Coalition on Aging.